Monday, June 30, 2008

Project Pool - Phase 2 (Little Pool in the Woods)

On the twenty ninth day of the sixth month in the year two thousand and eight we started the grueling task of establishing "The Pool". The task seemed quite challenging but our little minds couldn't begin to imagine the obstacle ahead of us. The first step was not to erect a pool in this open area of Earth but to establish a level and stable foundation for The Pool's construction . We shoveled and raked the grains of sand until sweat dripped off our noses and the leather of our gloves worn through. It was back breaking and time consuming but we were determined to have each grain of sand it's rightful place. The heat and physical work quickly wilted us down thus resulting in no further work to be completed. With an evenings rest and our hearts in high spirits we long to proceed back to the establishment of The Pool.

-An excert from the diary of Caitlin E. Spencer, a young pioneer woman

Ma laboring in the Earth.

Pa and myself.

Jessica and I leveling the grains of sand.

Pa using the large machine as I stand and ponder in amazement.


Anonymous said...

The authenticity of this diary could not be verified due to the lack of faces in the photos. The posterior data was useless as there were no tush prints available.

- Cathlena Spencer West
Researcher and Buttocks expert

we are the spencers said...

put that pool in already!!! wish it was up and i could come swimming!